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Call for specific aid for the development of rural and livestock farming on the island of Ibiza for the year 2023-2024

The different lines of aid are as follows:

Aid for organic farming, deadline for submitting applications until 30-06-2023.
Aid for agricultural cooperatives, deadline for submitting applications: 05-06-2023.
Aid for agricultural entities with phytosanitary programmes, deadline for submitting applications: 05-06-2023.
Aid to agricultural cooperatives for sowing fodder species and certified cereal seed, with advance expenditure procedure, deadline for submitting applications from 1-12-2023 to 31-01-2024.
Aid for the promotion of the use of biodegradable materials in agricultural *encoixinament, deadline for submission of applications until 30-06-2023.
Ayudas por la pérdida de animales reproductores de las especies ovina y/o cabruna como consecuencia de ataques de canes, plazo de presentación de solicitudes hasta el 30-09-2023.
Aid for the conservation of traditional local varieties of cereals at risk of genetic erosion and traditional unirrigated fruit trees, application deadline 30-06-2023.
Aid for agricultural associations, deadline for submitting applications: 05-06-2023.
Aid for cooperative farms, deadline for submitting applications: 20 June 2023.
Aid for new members of agricultural cooperatives, deadline for submitting applications: 15-09-2023.
Aid to town councils for maintenance and improvement work on rural roads, deadline for submitting applications: 05-06-2023.

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  • Organismo:
  • Fecha inicio:
    08 May 2023
  • Fecha fin:
    08 June 2023
  • Beneficiarios:
    L'àmbit territorial de l'activitat de les persones beneficiàries serà l'illa d'Eivissa.
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Camí de Sa Vorera km 0,5
07820 Sant Antoni de Portmany.
Illes Balears. Espanya