The Consell de Ibiza gives almost two million euros to the island's primary sector
The Department of Tourism Promotion, Rural and Marine Environment of the Consell Insular de Eivissa allocated a total of 1,820,000 euros in aid to rural and livestock farming on the island in 2021, with the aim of guaranteeing the survival of its social, agricultural and livestock farming fabric.
Of this, 1.5 million euros were distributed through two specific lines of aid: the first line, with a total amount of 1,010. 765 was earmarked, among other things, for aid for organic farming for agricultural cooperatives, aid for agricultural entities with phytosanitary programmes, aid for agricultural cooperatives for the sowing of fodder species and certified cereal seed, aid for the loss of breeding sheep and/or goats as a result of dog attacks, and aid to local councils for maintenance and improvement work on rural roads.
The second call for applications was for specific aid for the recovery, maintenance and consolidation of the agricultural environment and agro-diversity on the island of Eivissa, as part of the project for the protection and recovery of the natural environment of the island of Eivissa and its agro-biodiversity, for a total of 517,000 euros.
In addition to these lines of aid, over 320,000 euros have been awarded to different entities for the development of actions and programmes for the promotion and recovery of local produce, such as Pimeef, the Leader Group, the Ibiza and San Antonio Guilds and the Animal Health Defence Group.
Maintaining traditions
For the president of the Consell de Eivissa and head of the department, Vicent Marí, this major economic contribution to Ibiza's rural and livestock sector "demonstrates our commitment to the island's primary sector, because what we want is to stand by our agri-food producers and give them the tools to recover a sector that is proving to be essential for guaranteeing the maintenance of our countryside, our traditions and our roots".